Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lots of new things.

Hey Guys

First of, there is a new contest coming to Chobots! This time, it's a video contest.

You need to make a Halloween themed video by the 30th of October. The winner will receive citizenship, bugs, and a camera.

Good luck to those who are participating!

Secondly, the racer champions have been announced. 

In first place, we have Shadow03 who will get a trophy, 10 days citizen, and 10,000 bugs.
In second place, we have Rosey2000 who will get a trophy, 7 days of citizen, and 7,000 bugs.
In third place, we have Dhiraj who will get a trophy, 5 days of citizen, and 5,000 bugs.

Congratulations to all of you! 

Lastly, Star announced that new items were in the Coming Soon Catalog. Sure enough, there were! Check them out:

The cookie monster hat was originally designed by Art.

Hopefully these items come soon, they look really nice!

That's all for now,

Monday, October 08, 2012

Updates! -6th october-

Hola mis amigos! wow, amazing autumn updates!
First of all, there's loads of trees and  leaves about. do you see the hidden pet?  click to enarge.
Another update is that playercard colours are coming soon! and the body screen has fot the word: CHLOS on it.

                                        Also, agents now have blue names! cool, huh? x)                             


Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Hola mis amigos!
Just check out the new citizenship offers! with each plan, you get two items! :D My favourite is the Jet pack magician. What about you? :P

Keep eating grassy houses!

Monday, October 01, 2012

Lots of winners!

Lots of contest have been taking place through the week on Chobots, and with every contest, their are winners.. so lets review them.. shall we?

Chess, Checkers, and Sliders
After a long week of playing, playing and more playing.. the winners have deserved their prizes!
 1st: theufo
2nd: sharpiemaddness
3rd: deliiciouzz
 1st: godlight
2nd: boomman
3rd: pain
1st: dary11
2nd: lamby
3rd: lakshay1520

Congrats guys!
Here's what they won:
1st place; 10 days of Citizenship, 10,000 bugs, 1st place medal.
2nd place; 7 days of Citizenship, 7,000 bugs, 2nd place medal
3rd place; 5 days of Citizenship, 5,000 bugs, 3rd place medal.

Blog Decorating Contest
After lots of re-decorating, these Chobot's blogs stood out the most!



The winners will get 5000 bugs1 week of Citizenship, and a Feather (hand item).

Chobot Racer Contest
Now.. we have a NEW contest! Chobot Racer! It will last for about 2 weeks, so get racing!
NOTE: If you see anyone cheating, please take a screen shot (prt scr + ctrl) and upload it to an image editor (like photobucket or tinypic). If you cannot do so, please tell an agent or a moderator (don't forget, ComeBackKiid and I are agents, so if you see us, be sure to tell us!)

Well that's all for now!
Keep it spiffy!


Congratulations for Kaicooper, Twinklefairyx and master720, who have won the chobots facebook contest!
you each win a lollipop, ice wings and the vayer monk.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

500 Likes Party


Well, would you look at that? 

The official blog, has gotten 500 followers! Woohoo!

That means... a party.

The party is at 21:00 Cho Time tommorow (Friday) at the park! 

Meet us at the party for some awesome fun! 

That's all for now,

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nah, it's just a hat.

Hola mis amigos!
Queorp here, just letting you know that the previously SLOOOOOW propeller hat is now super-speedy!
See for yourselves!

Keep juggling hams!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We are party animals!

Ello guys

I just got back from a crazy party! I am for sure a party animal! Lol, puns...

Anyway, I took tons of pictures. Feel free to look.

Animal Party!


Toasty being... himself.

Just keep swimming...

What sound does an elephant make?

Rained a cape!

You got that right.

Green shirt.

We love chobots!

Awesome black scarf.


Happy birthday jake!

Nichos are scary...


Playing sliders with Star! Oh, and it rained that hat.

The end!
Hope you all enjoyed the animal party! There was lots of rain, magic, and fun!

That's all for now,

Fall Updates!

Whaddup Amigos!

Looks like the fall updates are coming to Chobots!

Firstly, the homepage has been updated!

Secondly, there are in-game updates, like this one in the Cafe Street!

Short post, sorry. But I hope you guys enjoy these updates, I am sure the team worked really hard on them.

Right now, Chobots is slow due to all the new updates. They will be back to normal in a little bit!

That's all for now,

Animal Party and Contest!

What's up Amigos?

Today there is an Animal Party!

Come around to the Eco Shop at 14:00 Cho Time! Wear your favorite animal mask, too!

Nervous about not being able to get your favorite animal mask? No worries, because the team updated the catalog with lots more masks!

Secondly, there is a 3 way contest! That's right... 3!

You can choose from sliders, chess, or checkers!

Credit to Nothing for the picture.

So what are you waiting for? Get on down to the Academy to play some games! And when you're done, meet us at the Eco Shop for a fun party!

That's all for now!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Robofactory Results

Whaddup amigos!
Comebackiid here on news about the robofactory contest!

1st place: Piecommander
2nd place: Lakshay1520
3rd place: Theufo

Be sure to congratulate them if you see them.

Until next time,

Friday, September 21, 2012

We've "Fallen"!

That's right! We've fallen uder the Fall spell! The site, as you can see is now in full fall (how many corny fall jokes do you think I can make?)! Hope you guys like it, we are hoping to win the new blog contest! Say goodbye to summer, and hello to Fall! Soon enough Chobots will be decorated for Fall!

Have fun!
Fall head over heals for fall!

OH YEAH! Keep it SPIFFY! Almost forgot!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blogs + Shortcuts

 Hey Chos! Toasty here!
I have some exciting news! is holding a BLOG CONTEST! The best blogs with an Autumn theme will win a feather, citizenship, and bugs! Awesome! Good luck to those who are entering!
Exciting news for citizens! There is now a button under the help button with SHORTCUTS to your WARDROBE and COLOR SHOWER! Awesome! I'm sure going to be using these!
Main blog update:
The main blog has gone back to the old original style, but this time it has a new header! I assume this is because our old developer Jake is now an Administrator! Wow, congrats Jake! I'm sure Chobots will do even better under your management!
To our blog viewers:

 We will be re-decorating our blog for the contest, so please pardon our appearance as we change from blue to orange for fall! I'm sure you'll love the outcome! Thanks for reading!

Keep it spiffy!
Your new agent,
ToastyTim :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Awesome News!

Hey Amigos

Comebackiid here! Long time, no post eh? Anyway, I am here with some awesome news.

New Agents!

New agents were announced yesterday afternoon.

Credit to Rosey2000 for the picture.

Welcome to the team: Mollyful, Nightmare, ToastyTim, and Dwie! 

New $hop Items!

New $hop items have been added! Let's take a look.

Again, credit to Rosey2000 for the pictures.

I might buy some of the items! :)

That's it for now! Be sure to check the blog later for some other updates. Seeya!


Sunday, September 09, 2012

Contest + Beach + Other updates

Hey Chobots! It's Toasty again! We have some coo lthings, so I'll get right into it!

On the MAIN BLOG <-- click that to go there, they are holding a drawing contest! You can draw any of the four staff members below!

Be creative!

Speaking of being creative, look at out OWN AMIGO Queorp's drawing!

WOW! Nice Job!

Next.. We sadly have to say goodbye to the beach! It is leaving until next summer! Goodbye Beach! We had so much fun! I still can remember the day it opened!


After... :(

Chobots .net also got rid of the money machine.. I don't really know why it was there in the first place.. but Bye bye money machine!

LASTLY.. Phew! Long post! We got a NEW STAFF MEMBER!
His Name is Hicup!
He is a new staff member! Sadly, our moderator Smileguy has decided to leave the seem too.. Thank you Smileguy for all of those fun times!

I think *checks clipboard* Yup, I think that's it!
Keep it SPIFFY!