Staff List/Trackers

The administration of Chobots are the leaders making sure everything in Chobots is going as planned. They lead all  of the Team.
Directors oversee Chobots as a whole. These are the leaders of the entire company and consult on major decisions.
The designers of Chobots are in charge of all of the things you see, from items, to rooms, to characters. These people are the ones that make Chobots look so colorful and lively.
The development team in Chobots are the ones behind it all. They are the ones that do what the players suggest. They help deal with bugs, and get them stopped as fast as possible!
The moderation team of Cobots are the ones that keep us Chobots safe from pesky Nichos! They also have specail abilities to have parties with us! (aswell as the rest of the team)
Have you ever emailed the Chobots Support Team at Well if you have, these are the ones answering your emails as fast as posible with the information you need!